Deep decarbonization in Northeastern North America: The value of electricity market integration and hydropower
This article was published in the March 2021 edition of the journal Energy Policy by the authors Jesús A. Rodríguez-Sarasty, Sebastien Debia and Pierre-Olivier Pineau of the Department of Decision Sciences at HEC Montréal, thanks to the financial support of the Institut de l’énergie Trottier and the Trottier Family Foundation.
Rapport annuel 2019-2020
Le rapport annuel 2019-2020 de l’Institut de l’énergie Trottier rend compte des activités réalisées pendant l’exercice s’échelonnant du 1er mai 2019 au 30 avril 2020.
May 2020

Northeast USA-Canada Decarbonization
Opportunities and Challenges of Regional Electricity Section Integration for High Renewable Penetration
This study was produced by the Chair in Energy Sector Management of HEC Montréal, for the Northeast Electrification and Decarbonization Alliance, with the suppport of the Trottier Family Foundation, the Institut de l’énergie Trottier and the Transition Accelerator.
Reports – Energy Modelling Initiative
Following a mandate from Natural Resources Canada (NRCan), the Institut de l’énergie Trottier at Polytechnique Montréal (IET) has structured and implemented an Energy Modeling Initiative (EMI). This mandate ended on March 31, 2020, culminating in the publication of a final report on the proposal to establish a long-term Energy Modeling Center.
This proposal builds on a year of network facilitation, consultations, surveys, and conventions within the Canadian modelling community and a broad range of stakeholders.
> Modelling Relevance and Value
> Long-term Plan Proposal : Energy Modelling Centre
– Executive Summary
Mémoire sur le projet de loi n°44
Le mémoire « Projet de loi n° 44 : une révision essentielle pour assurer l’atteinte des objectifs » est déposé par l’Institut de l’énergie Trottier dans le cadre des consultations particulières et auditions publiques sur le projet de loi n°44 (PL 44), intitulé Loi visant principalement la gouvernance efficace de la lutte contre les changements climatiques et à favoriser l’électrification.
Rapport annuel 2018-2019
Le rapport annuel 2018-2019 de l’Institut de l’énergie Trottier rend compte des activités réalisées pendant l’exercice s’échelonnant du 1er mai 2018 au 30 avril 2019.
Synthesis Report – Workshop on Adaptation to Climate Change
City-ID LivingLab and the Institut de l’énergie Trottier held a discussion workshop at the Sixth Annual Trottier Symposium, with stakeholders from two networks: the Resilience and Climate Change Adaptation (CC) Network, and the network in mitigation of CC.
This workshop brought together more than thirty representatives from the municipal sector, research and organizations working in these fields. This document is a summary of the content of the presentations, discussions and reflections that took place during the workshop.
Synthesis Report
Workshop on the Development of an Open Modelling Platform for Electrification and Deep Decarbonisation Studies
Synthesis Report – The Grid of the Future
One of the greatest modern engineering achievements, barely unchanged since its invention a century ago, the electricity grid is facing a combination of disruptive innovations and pressures that challenge its business-as-usual practices. These perturbations are impacting the grid at all levels: from its day-to-day operation to planning its expansion, from its business model to its regulatory framework. It has entered a period of transition to become what many call the smart grid, a complex combination of technological innovations putting the electricity industry is in the midst of a revolution in the way it plans, operatesand managesthe grid in a world where its role and function are expected to be transformed.
Under the leadership of the Institut de l’énergie Trottier at Polytechnique Montréal, in collaboration with InnovÉÉ, IGEE and AIEQ, a day-long workshop was held in Montreal in January 2019. Together, academics, industry and utilities representatives, and other stakeholders from Quebec and Ontario had high-level discussions on how to address the all-out challenge of creating the Grid of the Future.
This report (also available in French) serves as a synthesis of the conversations and exchanges that occurred during that day long workshop.
Rapport annuel 2017-2018
Le rapport annuel 2017-2018 de l’Institut de l’énergie Trottier rend compte des activités réalisées pendant l’exercice s’échelonnant du 1er mai 2017 au 30 avril 2018.
September 2018

Canadian Energy Outlook 2018 – horizon 2050
A Decarbonized Northeast Electricity Sector
A Case for Independant Expert Analysis and Advice un Support of Climate Policy Making in Canada
Brief presented to Transition énergétique Québec
The brief « The role of universities in the strategy for energy transition » has been filed for consultation held by Transition énergétique Québec (TEQ), in preparation for the formulation of its first master plan.
Rapport annuel 2016-2017
Le rapport annuel 2016-2017 de l’Institut de l’énergie Trottier rend compte des activités réalisées pendant l’exercice s’échelonnant du 1er mai 2016 au 30 avril 2017.
For a Sustained Canadian Energy Systems Modelling Initiative
This white paper, produced in August 2017 by the IET and IQcarbone, with the financial support of the Clean Economy Fund, presents best practices for integrating energy modelling into canadian policy making.
This scoping study provides a high level estimate of the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction potential of microtransit in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area (GTHA) and Greater Montréal Area. The study also identifies key factors that will influence the adoption of microtransit and the approached needed to test and scale any implementation.
Thanks to the financial contribution of the Institut de l’énergie Trottier and of the AMT, Coop Carbone, in collaboration with the Toronto Athmospheric Fund, commanded an assessment of the potential of microtransit. MaRS Discovery District has been mandate to realize the study, with the help of Polytechnique Montréal and the University of Toronto.
Results of the Trottier Energy Futures Project (TEFP) are made available on the Institute site.
The TEFP is a multi-year research and modelling effort to determine how Canada can substantially reduce its greenhouse gas emissions. This is the first attempt to undertake a comprehensive quantitative engineering analysis of Canada’s future energy systems, with the target of achieving an 80 per cent reduction in GHGs by 2050 relative to 1990 levels.
This research was made possible through the generous financial support of the Trottier Family Foundation, and was jointly sponsored by the Canadian Academy of Engineering and the David Suzuki Foundation.
Cette étude, fruit d’une collaboration entre le Département de science politique de l’Université de Montréal et l’Institut de l’énergie Trottier montre que les Canadiens ont des opinions divisées sur la question des changements climatiques. Le rapport, intitulé Peu m’en chaut? Le paradoxe de l’opinion publique et de la politique sur les changements climatiques au Canada : vers un nouveau programme de recherche, analyse les multiples facettes de l’opinion publique à l’égard de ce problème politique complexe.
Ce document publié en mai 2015 par des chercheurs de l’IET et du CIRANO présente les résultats d’un sondage de 24 questions auprès d’un échantillon de 1100 répondants sur les thématiques suivantes:
- Évaluation de la connaissance des enjeux énergétiques et environnemantaux des Québecois;
- Perceptions des Québecois concernant le phénomène du réchauffement climatique;
- Comportements et habitudes de consommation d’énergie des Québecois;
- Préférences des Québecois à l’égard des questions énergétiques et environnementales.
L’objectif de la publication du document étant de nourrir une conversation visant une meilleure compréhension de la complexité des questions en lien avec l’énergie et permettant d’aborder celles-ci de manière rigoureuse sur la base de données fiables.
This White Paper is concerned with some key issues arising for Quebec and Canada in energy. Our objective is to provide an opportunity to address them on the basis of reliable data. This paper was prepared in advance of the discussions at the Second Annual Trottier Symposium on Engineering, Energy and Sustainable Design (March 30-31, 2015) at Polytechnique Montreal.