Trottier Scholarships – Competition details


The Trottier Scholarship program aims to encourage the training of a new generation of scientists with a systemic understanding of the technological, economic and social issues in the energy field our society is facing.

It is aimed at students from the three Campus Montréal institutions (Polytechnique Montréal, HEC Montréal, Université de Montréal) who are starting graduate studies – Master research or PhD only – in a field of research compatible with the IET’s mission, namely the development of sustainable solutions to secure our society’s energy future.

As an indication, the field of research will be deemed compatible if the research proposal addresses the energy issue along the lines of the following three themes:

  • Supply – developing sustainable energy systems with a low carbon footprint
  • Efficiency – reducing losses in energy systems
  • Demand – reducing the energy intensity of the economy; behavioral modulation.

Projects encouraged will be those with the greatest potential for positive impact in any of these three areas.


The program competition will award a total of four (4) scholarships. This number may vary depending on the number and quality of applications submitted.


The maximum annual scholarship amount depends on the program followed:

Master’s research: $13,500 / year

Doctorate: $17,000 / year

In the case of recipients of other fellowships, this amount may be reduced so that the total of all fellowships does not exceed $50,000 per year, including the present fellowship and the mandatory $5,000 increase by the research supervisor.

Should the amount of the award be reduced due to the accumulation of other awards, the amount of the supervisor’s increase will be calculated on a pro rata basis.


– Master’s scholarship: maximum payments will be $4,500 per session; the last payment will be made at the sixth session in the program.

– Doctoral scholarship: maximum payment will be $5,667 per session; the last payment will be made in the ninth session of the program.

Note for fellows who have already started their program:

– Payments will begin in the summer session following the announcement of the winners. For the Master’s program, maximum payments will be $4,500 per session; the last payment will be made at the sixth session in the program. For the doctorate, the maximum payment will be $5,667 per session; the last payment will be made at the ninth session in the program.

– The research supervisor will be reimbursed for any amount paid in excess of the mandatory annual contribution of $5,000 (up to the maximum amount of the fellowship) since first registration in the program.


The scholarship is renewed annually, for a maximum of two (2) years for the Master’s program and three (3) years for the PhD. The renewal application includes a progress report signed by the supervisor and must be submitted no later than the anniversary date of the fellowship.

Eligibility criteria

This competition is exclusively intended for students to students whose field of research is deemed compatible with the IET’s mission (see program objective).

Furthermore, for a application to be accepted, the candidate must meet the following requirements :

  • At one of the three Campus Montréal institutions,

a) be enrolled in a research master’s or doctoral program for at most two semesters (first semester Fall 2024 at the earliest)


b) be eligible to enroll in a research master’s or doctoral program in anticipation of beginning studies within one year of admission (first semester Summer 2025, Fall 2025 or Winter 2026)

  • Having completed the Bachelor’s degree, depending on the institution, with minimum GPA (or equivalent) :

HEC : 3.5/4.3
Polytechnique : 3.25/4
UdeM : 3.5/4.3

  • Having completed the Master’s degree (if applicable), depending on the institution, with minimum GPA (or equivalent) :

HEC : 3.8/4.3
Polytechnique : 3.5/4
UdeM : 3.8/4.3

  • Have a commitment from the supervisor to increase the award by at least $5,000 per year.

Selection criteria

From among the applications accepted, the selection of recipients in each of the study cycles will be based on the following criteria:

  1. Quality of academic record
  2. Aptitude for research
  3. Relevant research experience
  4. Scientific quality and societal relevance of the research project.

A selection committee will be responsible for evaluating the applications.


Students interested in entering the competition must submit an application, consisting of the following items:

  1. A completed application form.
  2. A copy of all university transcripts, as submitted with the application.
  3. Two (2) letters of recommendation (to be sent directly to the IET by the author).
  4. Applications must be submitted by e-mail to . The subject of the message must include the words “Trottier Scholarships”.

Before receiving the scholarship, recipients must submit a scholarship acceptance file, consisting of the following items:

  1. A completed amount confirmation form.
  2. A letter from the research director committing to a minimum annual supplement of $5,000 to the present scholarship.
  3. Applications must be submitted by e-mail to The subject of the message must include the words “Trottier Scholarship Acceptance”.

On each anniversary date of the award, recipients must submit a renewal application, consisting of the following items:

  1. Completed scholarship confirmation form.
  2. The progress report, signed by the research supervisor.
  3. A letter from the research director committing to a minimum annual bonus of $5,000 for the current fellowship.
  4. Submissions must be made by e-mail to . The subject of the message must include the words “Trottier Scholarship Renewal”.

Notes :

  1. Only complete applications will be evaluated
  2. All text must be single-spaced in 11-point font.
  3. Submit PDF files only. In the case of scanned documents, please ensure legibility.

Documents must be clearly identified; use a nomenclature that includes the candidate’s first and last name and the nature of the document (e.g. Tremblay_Pierre-Transcript.pdf).

Competition schedule

Submission deadline :

Announcement of winners deadline :

Scholarship acceptance deadline :

24 janvier 2025

28 février 2025

14 mars 2025