This page constitute an archive of the content produce during the first national workshop of the Canadian Institute for Climate Choices.
Thematic discussions (September 14 to 26, 2020) were followed by a large Forum (October 7 and 8, 2020).
Foster constructive dialogue on critical climate choices facing Canada
Identify research priorities, opportunities for collaboration, and knowledge gaps in Canada’s climate change research and policy landscape
Help inform the research agenda for the Canadian Institute for Climate Choices
Identify opportunities for complementary research across organizations
Strengthen relationships among top climate policy researchers and thinkers across Canada
Host and Organizers
The workshop “Strategic Dialogues on Climate Change Policy Research in Canada” is hosted by Ouranos and l’Institut de l’énergie Trottier, in collaboration with the Institut du Nouveau Monde, on behalf of the Canadian Institute for Climate Choices, with the financial support of the IVEY Foundation and the Trottier Family Foundation.
The IET was created in 2013 thanks to a generous donation from the Trottier Family Foundation. Its mission is to train a new generation of engineers and scientists with a systemic and trans-disciplinary understanding of energy issues, to support the search for sustainable solutions to help achieve the necessary transition, to disseminate knowledge, and to contribute to societal dialogue on energy issues. Based at Polytechnique Montréal, the IET team includes professor-researchers from HEC, Polytechnique and Université de Montréal. This diversity of expertise allows IET to assemble work teams that are trans-disciplinary, an aspect that is vital to a systemic understanding of energy issues in the context of combating climate change, breaking the silos of mitigation, adaptation and clean growth. The IET is a founding partner of the CICC and is involved in complementary initiatives such as the Energy Modelling Initiative.
Ouranos, a research consortium on regional climatology and adaptation to climate change, is a joint initiative with the Government of Quebec, Hydro-Quebec, the Meteorological Service of Canada, and four Quebec Universities. Bringing together some 500 scientists and professionals from various disciplines, the consortium focuses on climate science and vulnerabilities, impacts and adaptation. Based on rigorous scientific knowledge, Ouranos’s mission is to help Quebec society better adapt to climate change.
In collaboration with:
The Institut du Nouveau Monde (INM) is an independent and non-partisan non-profit organization based in Montreal. Its mission aims at promoting the participation of citizens in the democratic life. Through its action, the INM encourages citizen participation, and contributes to the development of civic literacy, to the strengthening of social bonds and to the advocacy of democratic institutions. The team behind INM is driven by the belief that citizen participation bolsters democracy.